
来源 :田径 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arnohuang123
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田径运动中的动作都要求在快速节奏或爆发用力情况下完成。因此,发展爆发力是田径运动员身体素质训练的重要内容。爆发力是肌肉快速收缩的力量,它以人体或器械所获得的加速度大小来衡量。爆发力包含3个要素,即肌肉力量、用力距离和用力时间。用公式表示为爆发力=肌肉力量×用力距离/用力时间。根据爆发力中有关力量、距离和时间三者关 Athletics movements are required in the fast-paced or outbreak of hard conditions to complete. Therefore, the development of explosive power is an important part of track and field athletes’ physical fitness training. Explosive force is the rapid contraction of muscle strength, which is based on the size of the body or instrument to obtain the acceleration measured. Explosive power contains three elements, namely, muscle strength, exertion distance and hard time. Expressed in the formula as explosive force = muscle strength × force distance / force time. According to the strength of explosive power, distance and time of the three off
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