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自治区党委书记曹伯纯对我区财政工作非常重视 ,多次听取自治区财政厅主要领导的汇报和详细了解我区财政运行情况。 2 0 0 2年元月 7日 ,在“全区财政工作会议”召开之际 ,曹伯纯书记以书面形式对全区财政工作作了重要批示 ,现予全文刊登 ,希望全自治区财政系统干部职工认真学习 ,深刻领会批示精神 ,为实现“富民兴桂新跨越”作出更新更大的贡献 ! Cao Botun, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, attached great importance to the financial work in our district. He repeatedly listened to the reports from the major leaders of the autonomous regional finance department and learned more about the financial operation of the district. On January 7, 2002, at the convening of the “Region’s Financial Work Conference,” Secretary Cao Bo-chun made an important written instruction on the financial work of the region in written form and is now publishing the full text. He hoped the financial system cadres and workers in the autonomous region would conscientiously Study and profoundly understand the spirit of the directives, and make greater and greater contributions to achieving the goal of “building a new leap forward in enriching the people and developing Guangxi”
一些农资经营部门和农户 ,为了取用方便 ,节省房间 ,将农药与化肥共同存放在一个仓库 (房间 )内。其实 ,这种做法是很不科学的 ,同仓存放农药化肥有潜在的危险性 ,轻者会导致
Bacterialisolatesof1274wereobtainedfrompaddysoil,sclerotiaofRhizoctoniasolani,lesionsofsheathblight(ShB),andriceplants.Sixty_on Bacterialisolates of 1274wereobtainedfrompaddysoil, sclerotiaof Rhizoctoniasolani, lesions of heathblight (ShB), andriceplants
Thericeblastdiseasecausedby Magnaporthegrisea(anamorph:Pyriculariagrisea)isoneofthemostseriousdiseasesofriceinChina.Riceblastocc Thericeblastasecausedby Magnaporthegrisea (anamorph: Pyriculariagrisea) isoneofthemostseriousdiseasesofriceinChina. Riceblast
近来,德阳市全面整顿会计工作秩序,对全市会计工作秩序进行了整顿,全市自查单位21808户,占应查数的99.8%,重点检查单位14818户,检查面达67.73%,自查违纪金额4906万元,整顿纠正金额3460万元,占70.53%,重点检查违纪金额1730万? R
试验目的是探讨壮秧剂和移栽灵两种药剂在海盐县稻区的应用效果,简化旱育抛秧程序,提高秧苗素质,培育壮秧,促进旱育抛秧技术的推广。1试验设计 试验地点:海盐县元通乡仁流村五组宣
奥林巴斯 E 系统的两款数码单反双双来到我们的评测实验室,E-410和 E-510代表了奥林巴斯4/3数码单反的主流水平,紧凑轻便、千万像素分辨率、自动传感器清洁、不受时间限制的