
来源 :新疆医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xp509
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目的了解新疆乡镇卫生院院长管理工作现状及其效率的影响因素,为提升乡镇卫生院院长管理工作的成效提供适当建议。方法采用单纯随机抽样方法,从2012年11月—2013年4月新疆维吾尔自治区卫生厅举办的6期“乡镇卫生院院长培训班”中抽取2个班的乡镇卫生院院长共168名进行问卷调查;抽取18个乡镇卫生院的院长进行个人深入访谈。结果院长任现职后产生负面感受较突出的项目平均占81.43%;在工作中所关注的管理活动平均占51.64%;管理工作中遇到的困难在公共卫生人员缺乏、医疗卫生经费短缺、医务人员素质偏低等方面所占平均比例为70%以上,在卫生院设备老化和严重不足、农村医疗卫生政策落实有待完善、医院业务房屋简陋方面平均占50%以上;对管理培训知识的需求平均占86.97%。结论新疆乡镇卫生院院长的管理技能训练需要给予高度重视,需加强管理培训,提供不断学习的机会和时间以使其潜能得到真正的发挥,依据影响院长管理工作的因素,采取合适的措施及适当的激励手段,提高和改善乡镇卫生院院长的管理效率及工作环境。 Objective To understand the status quo of the management of president of township hospitals in Xinjiang and its influencing factors, and to provide appropriate suggestions for improving the effectiveness of managing director of township hospitals. Methods A total of 168 township hospital presidents were recruited from 6 training sessions of “township hospitals” organized by the Department of Health of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from November 2012 to April 2013, using a simple random sampling method. Name of the questionnaire survey; extraction of 18 township hospitals for personal in-depth interviews. Results As a result, the chief negative negative feelings of the Dean after his incumbency accounted for an average of 81.43%; the average management activities in his work accounted for 51.64%; the management difficulties encountered were the lack of public health personnel, the shortage of medical and health funds, The average proportion of low-quality staff and other aspects of the average proportion of more than 70% in the hospital equipment aging and serious lack of implementation of rural health care policies to be improved, the average hospital business housing accounted for more than 50% average; management training knowledge average demand Accounting for 86.97%. Conclusion The management skill training of the chiefs of township hospitals in Xinjiang needs to attach great importance to the training of management and training, provide continuous learning opportunities and time to make its potential real play, according to the factors that affect the management of the president, take appropriate measures And appropriate incentives to improve and improve the management efficiency and working environment of the chiefs of township hospitals.
国家粮食安全线应随社会、人口的发展而浮动 ,目前我国的粮食安全线为 4 0 0 kg/ (年·人 )左右。为了保持这个安全线而又不失一定弹性 ,需要藏粮于草 ,发展畜牧业 ,既缓解存
目的 了解 dystrophin基因第 5 1内含子的序列特点。方法 用步移法测定第 5 1内含子全序列。测序结果用软件进行重复序列、基质附着区 (matrix attachment region,MAR)等分
利用低温处理方法 ,可以杀死接入芦柑鲜果中桔小实蝇Bactrocera(Bactrocera)dorsalisHendel的卵和幼虫。经试验 ,3龄幼虫对低温处理的忍耐力比卵和 1~ 2龄幼虫都强 ,且在 1 7
目的建立氯霉素乙酰基转移酶(chloramphenicol acetyltransferase,CAT)双抗体夹心ELISA的实验室检测方法.方法从质粒pBLCAT6经PCR扩增CAT基因序列,插入到原核表达质粒pGEX-2T
 湾扇贝(Argeopecten irradians Lamarck)是80年代引进美国的一种大型经济贝类。由于其生长快、周期短、产量高、经济效益明显和人工育苗及养殖技术的突破,很快发展成为我国
人乳头状瘤病毒(Humanpapilloma virus,HPV)的持续感染是宫颈癌发生和发展的重要条件。HPV 的检测对宫颈癌及癌前病变的早期诊断、治疗后随访具有重要意义。本文就 HPV 检测方法