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从当前和今后一个时期工作来看,我区要切实树立和落实好科学发展观,用科学发展观推进改革发展,必须着力抓好以下几个方面工作:(一)以实施“工业兴桂”战略为重点,加快推进结构调整从我区当前和未来经济增长的产业格局看,要扩大经济总量,关键在于调整优化产业结构,尤其要加快工业的发展。要按照“依靠科技、面向市场、发挥优势、强化特色”的思路,夯实农业,主攻工业,繁荣三产,走外延与内涵并重,速度与效益、质量、结构相统一的发展路子。 Judging from current and future work in a period, our region must earnestly establish and implement the scientific concept of development and promote the reform and development with the scientific concept of development. We must focus our efforts on the following aspects: (1) STRATEGIC FOCUS AND ACCELERATIVE IMPROVEMENT OF STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT In light of the industrial pattern of current and future economic growth in our region, the key to expanding the total economic output lies in adjusting and optimizing the industrial structure, and in particular in accelerating industrial development. In line with the thinking of “relying on science and technology, facing the market, giving full play to advantages and strengthening distinctions,” we must lay stress on agriculture, work mainly in industry, prosper the tertiary industry, and take the path of development with equal emphasis on both extension and connotation, speed and efficiency, quality and structure.
由上海中贸展览服务有限公司和杭州市机械工程学会共同承办的《杭州国际机械装备展览会》将于2002年4月2日至4日在浙江展览馆展出。目前正在招展。参展范围主要是: The “H
最近,在江苏黎里召开上海市红外加热技术长远发展规划讨论会。与会专家就上海近年来红外加热技术的现状和水平;差距与潜力;目标与重点;项目规划;投资与效益 Recently, the
1.目的按X射线机使用特性来说,在冷态时,便携式X射线机的管灯丝必须预热5min;高压连续工作时间不能超沸5min;两次高压启动之间,其休息时间也应有5m 1. Purpose According t
This publisher’s note reports corrections to three of the figures in [Photon. Res. 4, 49(2016)]. This publisher’s note reports corrections to three of the fi
20 0 3年 8月 1 0日是我国著名现代实验心理学家周先庚先生诞辰 1 0 0周年。  周先庚先生 1 90 3年出生于安徽省全椒县。 1 91 6年入清华学堂中等科学习 ,1 92 0年升入高等