以“三 个代表”重要思想为指导 努力开创各项工作的新局面

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人类社会进入了新的世纪,我国的社会主义现代化建设进入了一个新的历史时期,我们面临着新的形势、新的任务。伟大的时代需要伟大的理论,也必然产生伟大的理论。在当代中国,只有把马克思主义同中国实践和时代特征结合起来的邓小平理论,才能够解决社会主义的前途命运问题。江泽民同志的一系列重要论述特別是“三个代表”的重要思想,坚持、运用和丰富、发展了邓小平理论,创造性地解决了我国我党前进道路上的一系列重大理论和实践问题,使我们对建设有中国特色社会主义的认识达到了新的境界。“三个代表”的重要思想是基于对国内外形势、党肩负的历史任务、党的建设实际的清醒认识和准确把握,基于对世界上政党建设特別是我们党自身建设正反两方面经验的透彻分析和深刻总结,从事关党和国家前途命运的高度提出来的,是对马克思主义建党学说的新发展, Human society has entered a new century. The socialist modernization in our country has entered a new historical period. We are facing a new situation and a new task. The great times need great theories and inevitably great theories. In contemporary China, only the theory of Deng Xiaoping that combines Marxism with the practice of China and the characteristics of the times can we solve the issue of the future and destiny of socialism. Through a series of important expositions by Comrade Jiang Zemin, especially the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we have persistently applied and enriched Deng Xiaoping Theory and creatively solved a series of major theoretical and practical problems on our party’s path of progress so that we The realization of building socialism with Chinese characteristics has reached a new stage. The important thinking of the “Three Represents” is based on the actual and sober understanding and accurate grasp of the situation at home and abroad, the historic tasks the party shoulders and the building of the party. Based on the experience of both positive and negative party building in the world, especially our own self-construction A thorough analysis and profound summary of what he has done in the future and fate of the party and the country are the new developments in the theory of party building in Marxism,
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