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巴西橡胶树(Heveabrasiliensis)无性系中的一些品系具有两性花。我们对两性花的雄蕊作了观察,进行花粉发芽试验,结果发芽率较低,花粉管较短。利用两性花花粉授粉及单朵封闭自交,均获得果实、种子,经育苗获得的植株与一般苗木在外形、生势上无差异,表明两性花花粉是可育的。调查巴西橡胶树的93个无性系,其中16个无性系具两性花,64个无性系雌花内存在着发育程度不同的退化雄蕊,13个无性系的雌花没有退化雄蕊。两性花仅出现于盛花期。据陈嵘著《中国树木分类学》及《广州植物志》、《海南植物志》等书报导,巴西橡胶树的花为雌雄同花序的单性花,华南热带作物学院编写的《中国橡胶栽培学》上描述:除单性花外,仍可观察到异常的两性花;湛江农垦局徐闻橡胶研究所一九七八年《橡胶选育种工作总结》报导,他们曾在一九七五年得到巴西橡胶树RRIM600单雌生殖的儿个果实。黄先浦同志于一九六三年在巴西橡胶花芽发育解剖(未发表稿),见到雌花有退化雄蕊发育成腺体。为此,对两性花作了雄蕊花粉形态观察、花粉粒发芽试验和调查。并对有两性花较多的元性系——PB86进行了普查,对两性花的花粉进行入工授粉及单朵封闭,都获得果实,言苗后植株正常。 Some strains of the Hevea brasiliensis clone have bisexual flowers. We observed the stamens of the bisexual flowers for pollen germination tests, resulting in lower germination rates and shorter pollen tubes. The fruits and seeds were obtained by pollen pollination and single closed selfing, respectively. There was no difference in appearance and vigor between the plants obtained from the seedlings and the common seedlings, indicating that the bisexual pollen is fertile. A total of 93 clones of Acacia crassicarpa were surveyed. Among them, 16 clones had bisexual flowers, while 64 clonal female flowers had degenerated stamens with different degrees of development. Female flowers of 13 clones had no staminodes. Bisexual flowers only appear in the flowering period. According to Chen Rong’s book “Taxonomy of Chinese Trees” and “Flora of Guangzhou” and “Flora of Hainan”, it is reported that the flowers of Brassica juncea flower are hermaphrodite flowers and the “Chinese Rubber Cultivation ”Description: In addition to hermaphroditism, abnormalities can still be observed bisexual flowers; Zhanjiang Bureau of Reclamation Xuwen Rubber Institute, 1978“ Summary of rubber breeding ”reported that they have been obtained in 1975 Brazil rubber tree RRIM600 single female reproductive fruit. Huang Xianpu in 1963 in Brazil rubber flower bud development anatomy (unpublished), to see the female flowers have staminal development into a gland. To this end, the stamens pollen morphology of the flowers were observed, pollen grains germination test and investigation. In addition, we conducted a general survey of the PBG, which has more sexes, and pollinated the pollen of both sexes.
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12kV开关柜在配电网中应用广泛.为了实现12 kV开关柜的小型化和智能化,本文介绍了一种采用智能电子装置、在线测温装置、电子式互感器、智能化断路器和电动接地刀装置的智能
<正> 秦岭山地果园分布在海拔1,000—1,620米之间,气候冷凉,雨量充沛,年降雨量平均为644.1毫米。果园地貌多属山区坡地,坡度15—30°,土壤侵蚀比较严重。本区苹果树小叶和簇