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兴趣是最好的老师。在教学中教师要有意识地利用教育教学活动来影响学生兴趣的养成与发展。一、矛盾的激化,引起兴趣恩格斯说:“初等数学处处充满矛盾。”引进情境教学,创设问题情境,能让学生设身处地地在矛盾中求解,激发学生强烈的探究愿望和学习兴趣。在教学“圆锥的体积时”学生观察后交流,有的学生说:“圆锥有无数条高,并且 interest is the best teacher. In teaching, teachers should make conscious use of education and teaching activities to influence the formation and development of students’ interest. First, the intensification of contradictions, causing interest Engels said: ”elementary mathematics everywhere is full of contradictions. “ The introduction of situational teaching, creating problem situations, allowing students to put themselves in the paradox in the solution to stimulate students’ strong desire to explore and interest in learning. In the teaching ”cone volume “ after the observation of students exchange, and some students said: ”There are countless cones, and
从2005年开始,每年年初,国务院安全生产委员会都要给出该年度的“安全生产总指标”,包括工矿、商贸、火灾、公路交通、铁路交通、民航飞行等各类事故死亡人数的总 Since 200
今年3月5日是毛泽东同志“向雷锋同志学习”题词52周年纪念日。雷锋同志说过,“人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去”。他的一生也是这样践行的。  我是浙江大学一名普通教师,从教近30年来,自觉把发扬雷锋精神与教书育人结合起来,坚守在三尺讲台,踏踏实实,尽职尽责地做好教师工作,尽心尽力地为学生授课、为学生服务,在平凡的岗位上发挥着自己光和热,用实
The pretty little restaurant waitress was being runragged by a rush of customers who ordered nothing butcoffee and left no tips.Even though her smile was wear-
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The basilica of St-Denis nearParis is filled with alabaster-white faces—the statues thatmark the tombs of the kings ofFrance.But outside,life takes place in l
On June 25,1998 US President Bill Clin-ton began his visit to China in Xi’an,to the accompaniment of red lanterns,colourful flags,warriors,palace maids,gongs,