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2003年2月12日,国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布了2003年第9号公告,批准对南丰蜜桔实施原产地域产品保护。 公告说:“根据《原产地域产品保护规定》,我局通过了对南丰蜜桔原产地域产品保护申请的审查,现批准自即日起对南丰蜜桔实施原产地域产品保护。”从此,南丰蜜桔这一名特优水果原产地与非原产地鱼目混珠的时代即将结束,原产地的南丰蜜桔 On February 12, 2003, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine promulgated Bulletin No. 9 of 2003, which approved the implementation of the protection of native geographical products of Nanfeng Orange. The announcement said: “According to the Provisions on the Protection of Products of Origin, the Office passed the review of the application for the protection of the native products of Nanfeng Orange and has now approved the implementation of the protection of the native products of Nanfeng Orange from now on.” Since then, the Nanfeng orange tangerines this one origin and non-origin fish mixed eyes of the era is coming to an end, the origin of Nanfeng Orange
I like winter very much. In winter, it’s cold, but it’s also nice. Look! The snow is white, the flowers are pink. How beautiful! I like playing in the snow. I can make snowmen, I can have a snowball f
摘要:气息在扬琴演奏艺术中是调整演奏技巧和心理状态的基础,气息掌握的好坏,将直接影响演奏方法的掌握和应用,同时也影响着演奏者对乐曲的理解和音乐的表达,从而影响着扬琴演奏之最高境界“神韵”的贯通。  关键词:气息;扬琴;演奏  扬琴表演艺术中演奏状态的气息,是一种“艺术化”的、相对较深的气息,它有着特殊的目的和要求,需要在充沛、细腻的情感和自由无阻的技巧相互运用时产生与变化,从而表现出感人至深的音乐
借助创新性的课堂组织策略,改革英语课堂教学现状,推动初中英语教育事业的进步。立足于初中英语课堂教学现状,主要分析“初中英语教师课堂教学组织策略”。 With the help o
摘 要:“一带一路”倡议将东北老工业基地振兴战略和韩国“新北方政策”联系起来,成为推动黑龙江省与韩国经济合作的重要力量。在“一带一路”框架下,黑龙江省与韩国通过大韩贸易投资振兴公社扩大经贸往来,建设哈绥俄亚陆海联运通道促进互联互通,不断加强双边贸易合作。在此基础上,黑龙江省应与韩国在旅游、农业、电子商务等领域展开合作,推动双方经贸交流合作向纵深发展。  关键词:“一带一路” 黑龙江省 韩国 经济合
究竟是什么原因使结核病这种看似古老的疾病又回来了呢? What is the reason behind the seemingly ancient disease of tuberculosis?