《浮生六记》英译阅读与讨论 (四)

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  【译文】Brilliant moonlight had silvered the quiet garden as I watched the shining satin ripples of the stream. The night was very hot. We were sitting before the water window, dressed in light silk gowns, fanning ourselves languidly with little gauze fans, looking first at the water below us, then at the ever-changing shapes of the scudding clouds in the skies overhead. (p. 17)
  “……俯视河中,波光如练”,译作“...as I watched the shining satin ripples of the stream”,河面如光亮的绸缎在飘动,将“如练”译成动态景象,一个非常好的译句。
  【译文】  I, too, felt depressed and apprehensive, looking across the water to the darkness of the opposite shore, where will-o’-the-wisps, shining in the blackness like thousands of tiny, bright lanterns, wove in and out among the tangled willows. (p. 21)
  “……隔岸萤光,明灭万点”,译作“where will-o’-the-wisps, shining in the blackness like thousands of tiny, bright lanterns”,“梳织于柳堤蓼渚间”,译作“wove in and out among the tangled willows”。整个句子编织严密,如英国作家毛姆(W. Somerset Maugham)所说,看着好看, 读着好听(good to look at and good to listen to)。
  【译文】 To dispel our fears and depression we began composing poetry, one of us starting a verse, the other finishing it; each composing a couplet in turn. Rhyming back and forth, we began to let our imagination run wild; indulging our most foolish fancies until we found ourselves laughing hysterically at the most ridiculous nonsense verses. (p. 21)
  【简评】译者将“闷怀”译作our fears and depression,不是看字面译,而是依据上下文的实际情况,这个译法好。“逾联逾纵,想入非夷,随口乱道”,其中的“纵”(let our imagination run wild)、“非夷”(indulging our most foolish fancies)和“乱道”(the most ridiculous nonsense verses)都斟酌得很好,意思表达得很充分。
  【译文】 From this elevation, as far as the eye could see, the land fell away to the horizon in every direction. Smoke was rising from the cooking fires of the houses far below, curling upward against a background of brilliantly-coloured sunset clouds. (p. 23)
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