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在高楼遍地,车水马龙的城市中生活,美丽而自然的村庄自有一种无法抗拒的感召力。但在城市化的背景下,年轻人大多都选择在大城市打拼,昔日热闹的乡村变得沉寂,很多村子甚至因为人口的流失沦为了“鬼村”。年轻人不愿意呆在村子里的主要原因之一是在偏远的乡村基础设施简陋,信息不畅。2014年,我在陕南留坝一带考察,在那里的一家客栈住了一晚。相比城市里的高级酒店,乡村的生活条件还是 In the busy high-rise, busy city life, beautiful and natural village itself has an irresistible appeal. However, in the context of urbanization, most young people choose to work hard in the big cities. In the past, the lively countryside became quiet and many villages even became “ghost villages” because of the loss of population. One of the main reasons why young people do not want to stay in the village is that they have poor infrastructure and poor information in remote rural areas. In 2014, I visited the dam in southern Shaanxi, where I stayed at an inn for one night. Compared to the city’s luxury hotels, the living conditions in rural areas or
Objective:To determine epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Vibrio(V.) cholerae O1 biotype EL Tor in summer outbreak of 2008 in Iran.Method
Objective:To investigate the outbreak of unknown fever at Siliguri town,Darjeeling District on request from the State Health Department,Government of West Benga
由具有丰富竞赛指导经验的一线老师编著的《初中化学竞赛指导》一书 ,注重理论与实践的结合 ,让学生在知识的应用中去感受知识、理解知识 ,这恰恰也是竞赛试题的命题方向。该
Objective:To investigate whether the increase of tumor necrosis factor alpha is dependent on lipidic component of malarial pigment.Methods:Adherent human monocy
物理理论是建立在实验基础上,因而实验教学是物理教学的基础,又由于实验本身的特点,它又成为高中物理教学培养学生开拓意识和创新能力的重要途径和主渠道。 Physics theory