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一、曾经仰望2008年,刚大学毕业的我满怀激情地当上了一名初中语文教师,以为从此可以书山漫步,诗海纵横,恢恢乎其游刃有余了,然而不久我便陷入了困境。面对标准化试题和机械枯燥的答案,面对教材与考试的脱节,面对学生求知的欲望和考查知识点范围的束缚,面对学校评价的功利性,我走进了语文教学的围城。面对困惑,我一直希望在教学实践中突围,企图杀出一条生路来。然而理 First, I looked up in 2008, just graduated from college, I passionately became a junior high school language teacher, thought that this book can be a mountain walk, poetic vertical and horizontal, restored its ease, but soon I was in trouble. The face of standardized test questions and mechanical boring answers, in the face of the teaching materials and the test of the separation, in the face of the students desire to know and test the scope of the knowledge point, in the face of utilitarian school evaluation, I went into the siege of Chinese teaching. In the face of confusion, I have always wanted to break through in teaching practice in an attempt to come to an end. However management
The distribution behavior of the HZB collector (a kind of long chain fatty acid) in the desilication system of bauxite flotation was studied. The results show t
“人民共和国党报论坛”第七届(2010)年会2010年12月5日在京举行。本届年会的主题是“党报的全媒体之路研究”。来自人民日报社、中国传媒大学、中国新闻出版研究院等单 “
The hexagonal BaNdxFe12-xO19(x=0.1-1.0) fine powders with M-type structure were synthesized by sol-gel auto-combustion high-temperature synthesis method. The st