
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jklgfdjligjregjmreji
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我采用以下办法培养学生口头表达能力:一、在阅读教学中,重视词语的理解和运用.如《今天我喂鸡》中有“争先恐后”一词,为了加深学生对这个词的理解,我让学生想象小鸡出窝一刹那的情景.学生对这个词确实理解了,我又引导他们用这个词进行口头造句.这样既训练口头表达能力,又加深了对课文的理解. I use the following methods to develop students’ oral expression skills: First, in reading teaching, importance is attached to the understanding and use of words. For example, in today’s “I am feeding chicken”, there is the word “fight for fear”, in order to deepen students’ understanding of the term, I let The student imagined the moment when the chick came out of the nest. The students really understood the word, and I guided them to use the word to verbally make sentences. This not only trained the ability of oral expression, but also deepened the understanding of the text.
Hope was a theme throughout my childhood. Until I was twelve years old, I lived in Taiwan with my mother and younger brother. My father was an engineer and my u
分词、不定式与动名词在句子中都可以作定语,但三者各有其本身表达的内容。在语法教学中,怎样说明它们之间的异同呢? 应根据语言的特点,引导学生通过大量的例句,观察、比较
push,draw,drag,haul这组动词都可以表示“拉”、“拖”、“拽”的意思。 pull为通用词。从以下各句对pull的译文,我们可以看出此“小词”的作用之大。如: The dentist pulle
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