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一、办学风险的存在学校和社会的变革是同步的,而且具有共振效应。生活节奏加快,劳动对象扩大,工具使用多样,人类活动空间转换速度加快等特征无一不反映在学校生活之中,这既是办学风险加剧的背景,也是诱因。开放式教育必然要选择校外教学媒介,由此带来学生人身伤害的安全隐患日益增多。学生体质逐年下降,与之相应的耐力、应激能力和自护自救能力也在下降,抵御意外伤害的能力不足。因为独生子女心理问题多,人格不健全,人际关系紧张,学习压力大,容易走极端。家长作为监护人缺乏对教育特别是体罚性教育的理解和足够的宽容,动辄以上访要挟学校和教师,使学校处理家校矛盾时处于尴尬和两难的境地。教育 First, the existence of running risk School and social change is synchronized, but also has the resonance effect. The accelerated pace of life, the expansion of labor targets, the diversified use of tools, and the accelerated conversion of space for human activities are all reflected in school life. This is not only the background but also the incentive for increasing the risk of running schools. Open education will inevitably have to choose off-campus teaching media, which will bring more and more potential safety hazards to students. Students’ physique declines year by year, corresponding endurance, stress ability and self-help self-help ability are also declining, and the ability to resist accidental injury is not enough. Because the only child psychological problems, personality is not perfect, interpersonal tension, learning pressure, easy to go extremes. As guardians, parents, lacking in understanding and adequate tolerance for education, especially corporal punishment education, often rely on schools and teachers for petitions, leaving the school in an awkward and dilemma situation when dealing with the contradictions between home and school. education
户外阳光运动理念指导下的幼儿特色展示活动是幼儿园教育的重要内容.幼儿在活动展示中体验户外运动带来的快乐, 获得身心健康成长的重要动力. 幼儿年龄较小, 对游戏的把握程
<正> 本世纪70年代密封铅酸电池的出现,给古老的铅酸蓄电池带来了勃勃生机,它以优良的性能价格比,安全可靠的使用性能迅速占领了市场。我国VRLA电池的研制和生产始于80年代中