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新时期职业教育培养目标中的综合职业能力是指专业能力、方法能力和社会能力。在过去的教学过程中,由于对高职教育培养目标认识不清、教师的教学水平及教学方法等原因的限制,过程控制自动化专业课教学中存在一些问题,主要表现在:(1)教学观念守旧,教学内容陈旧,教学方法单一;(2)教材建设落后,不能满足目前高职高专的需求;(3)重理论,轻实践;重知识,轻技能,不能突出职业教育特色。基于上述原因,目前对过程控制自动化专业课进行教学改革,已显得尤为迫切和重要。总结近年来的教学经验,我从以下几个方面进行了改革: The comprehensive vocational ability in the goal of vocational education in the new period refers to the professional ability, the method ability and the social ability. In the past teaching process, due to the unclear understanding of the goal of higher vocational education, the teaching level of teachers and teaching methods and other reasons, there are some problems in the teaching of process control automation major, mainly in: (1) conservative teaching concepts , Outdated instructional content, and a single teaching method; (2) backward construction of teaching materials can not meet the current needs of higher vocational colleges; (3) emphasis on theory and practice, and emphasis on knowledge and skills without highlighting the characteristics of vocational education. For the above reasons, the current teaching reform of the process control automation specialized courses has become particularly urgent and important. Summarizing the teaching experience in recent years, I conducted the following reforms:
甜瓜栽培最忌重茬,为确保甜瓜种植连年成功,各地均使用嫁接苗。要保证秧苗整齐划一,则只有在嫁接时既要保证质量,又要注重接后管理,才能保证一次嫁接、一次成 Melon cultiva
The design and measured results of a broad-band direct quadrature phase shift keying(QPSK) modulator and demodulator are described in this paper.The circuits ar
由于水电厂、泵站等工业现场存在大量的设备仪表需要与LCU进行数据交换,本文针对这一需求介绍了新一代的智能PLC的串口通讯模件的设计实现。 Due to the large number of eq