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1 为什么说高血压患者用药不能顾此失彼? 有些患高血压病的同志,未经医生诊治,自己购药治疗。岂不知,各种抗高血压药,都有不同的副作用。如果同时患有其它疾病,选药不当,可使这些疾病加重,带来新的危害。患有下述疾病的高血压患者,有些抗高血压药不可选用。如:①胃、十二指肠溃 1 Why hypertension patients can not take it for granted? Some comrades suffering from hypertension, without medical treatment, buy their own medicine. Do you not know, all kinds of antihypertensive drugs, have different side effects. If at the same time suffering from other diseases, improper drug selection, these diseases can be aggravated, bringing new hazards. Hypertensive patients with the following diseases, some antihypertensive drugs can not be used. Such as: ① stomach, duodenal ulceration
Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate rocks constitute the Upper Cretaceous Garudamangalam Sandstone Formation, Ariyalur(India), and offer an opportunity to look into t
According to the characteristics of sedimentary microfacies, unique vertical depositional sequences and well logging response, the authors propose that a shallo
South-southwestward palaeocurrent swerved to east-southeast and then broadly to southeast over the transition from alluvial fan to axial channel and then to the
The Upper Miocene Xiaohe Formation of the Yuanmou Basin in Yunnan Province, southwestern China, is famous for its hominoid fauna and is important for studying t
基层党组织是党群众的桥梁和纽带,因此基层党建工作的好坏,直接影响到党在群众中的形象和威信。新的形势下,基层党建如何与时俱进开展工作,文章就此进行了论述。 The grass-