
来源 :湖南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsengyg
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(一)为了解决目前部分农民生产与生活上的困难,支持农业生产,决定从省财政中暂拨专款,预购早、中稻谷三亿八千五百万斤。由省参照各专区救济、贷款及其它农副产品收购等货币投放情况,分配各地预购数量如下:(已另电下达)因预购限额不大,各地必须结合救济、贷款、收购等情况统一考虑,全面安排困难户。在资金困难的地区可多预购,反之可少预购;至于灾区因已通过贷款与救济做了较全面的安排,视情况也可少预购,一般只应把去年未收回的预购数转为今年的预购数。同时预购面不宜过宽,预购对象必须是当前确有困难、作了田而又要求预售粮食的农户;资金不感困难或虽有困难但无粮可卖者就不应预购;对富农则一律不进行预购。预付订金标准,应掌握平均不超过预购粮总值百分之五十的原则,具体到户时应根据预购户能卖粮力量与其缺乏资金程度,对困难大的可多付,反之则少付。必须防止不分情况、平均分配的作法,也应严防单纯救济观点和买空卖空的偏向,以达到「预购多少,即收多少」的要求。否则造成财政亏欠,则全省各种事业都将被动。 (I) In order to solve the current difficulties in production and livelihood of some peasants and to support agricultural production, it was decided to temporarily allocate special funds from the provincial finance and pre-order 385 million jin of early rice and Middle Rice. The province will allocate the following pre-purchase quantities in light of the relief of various prefectures, lending and other agricultural and subsidiary product acquisitions, etc. The pre-purchase quantities are as follows: (already issued by another electricity) Due to the small pre-purchase quotas, all localities must unite consideration of relief, loans and acquisitions, Arrange difficult households. In areas with financial difficulties, more pre-orders can be made, and on the contrary, fewer pre-orders can be made. As for the disaster-stricken areas, more comprehensive arrangements have been made for loans and relief already available, and pre-orders may be less, as the case may be. Pre-order number. At the same time the pre-purchase surface should not be too wide, pre-order object must be the current indeed have difficulties, the field and asked the farmers pre-sale of food; funds are not difficult or difficult but no food can not be pre-sold should not be pre-requisite; No pre-order. Prepaid deposit standard, should have an average of no more than 50% of the total pre-purchase value of the principle of 50% of the total pre-purchase value of specific households should be based on pre-purchase of households to sell their grain power and the lack of funding for large difficulties can pay more, and vice versa less pay . It is necessary to prevent the practice of dividing the situation evenly and equally and to prevent the simple remedy point of view and the bias of buying short and selling short in order to meet the requirements of “how many pre-orders should be received”. Otherwise, the financial deficit will be caused, and all kinds of undertakings in the province will be passive.