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目的了解护理人员在医院场所遭受暴力的发生率,以及护理人员遭受医院场所暴力的现状、相关因素及防护意识和措施。方法为描述性研究,便利抽样,通过向某医院314名护理人员发放自行设计的问卷进行调查。结果314名护理人员中有187人(59.55%)遭受过医院场所暴力,其中急诊的发生率最高,病房次之,门诊发生率最低;各种暴力中侮辱的发生率最高,破坏个人财产发生率最低;在工作繁忙和病房时发生暴力频率较高。遭受医院场所暴力主要原因是:工作繁忙、患者及家属对治疗期望值过高、患者及家属无理取闹、患者知识缺乏等;遭受医院场所暴力时,护理人员会采取维护自身合法权益、回避、分析原因避免再次发生等措施和态度,护理人员认为完善各项医疗制度、加强教育培训等是避免发生医院场所暴力的有效措施。结论护理人员遭受医院场所暴力的发生率高,年轻护士容易遭受暴力。发生医院场所暴力的主要原因是工作繁忙、患者无理取闹、对疾病治疗的期望值过高和患者知识缺乏等。大部分护理人员能够分析原因,采取正确的措施和态度,并认为通过完善制度、加强暴力培训和提高沟通技巧等,能减少和避免暴力的发生。 Objective To understand the incidence of violence experienced by nurses in the hospital and the status quo of nursing workers suffering from violence in the hospital, the related factors and protective awareness and measures. Methods were descriptive studies to facilitate sampling and investigation by issuing self-designed questionnaires to 314 nurses in a hospital. Results Of the 314 nursing staffs, 187 (59.55%) were subjected to violence in hospitals. Among them, the highest incidence of emergency, ward and outpatient were the lowest. The incidence of insult in all kinds of violence was the highest, which destroyed the personal property Lowest; violence is more frequent at work and wards. Violence in hospitals is mainly due to: work is busy, patients and their families over expectations of treatment, patients and their families unreasonable, lack of patient knowledge; nurses in hospitals will take to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, to avoid, analyze the reasons to avoid Recurrence and other measures and attitudes, nurses believe that the improvement of the medical system, strengthen education and training is to prevent the occurrence of violence in the hospital is an effective measure. Conclusion Nurses have a high incidence of violence in hospital settings and young nurses are vulnerable to violence. The main causes of violence in hospital settings are busy work, unprofitable patients, excessive expectations of disease treatment and lack of patient knowledge. Most nurses can analyze the causes, take the correct measures and attitudes, and think that the violence can be reduced and avoided by improving the system, strengthening violence training and improving communication skills.
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