1963年3月5日,《人民日报》发表毛泽东主席的题词:“向雷锋同志学习!”星移斗转,光阴荏苒,30多年来,共和国的政治、经济、社会生活风云变幻,然而,雷锋这一象征着时代精神的形象却一直闪耀着熠熠光辉。 在雷锋的家乡湖南望城县,雷锋纪念馆1968年10月建成开放,至今,不仅接待了大批的国内参观者,而且有来自40多个国家和地区的外国朋友和港演台侨胞留下了赞羡的目光和啧啧称誉,在纪念
On March 5, 1963, People’s Daily published the inscription of Chairman Mao Zedong: “Learn from Leifeng!” In the past 30 years or so, the political, economic and social life of the Republic has changed. However, Lei Feng This image symbolizing the spirit of the times has been shining brightly. In Lei Feng’s hometown of Wangcheng County, Hunan Province, Lei Feng Memorial Hall was opened to the public in October 1968. Since then, not only has it received a large number of domestic visitors, but also foreign friends from more than 40 countries and Hong Kong overseas Chinese compatriots have left their admiration Eyes and Gee reputation, in memory