患者何××,33岁,于1983年5月2日因妊毒症伴尿血、便血入院。11年前第一胎妊娠时曾有“子痫”发作,产后血压恢复正常。第二胎为正常分娩,未测血压。第三胎妊娠2~+月时血压210—220/?mmHg 足月自然分娩。此次妊娠4个月零17天时测血压为200/110mmHg,近半个月来头痛,全身浮肿,近一周视物不清,有肉眼可见之血尿。休检:神志清,贫血貌,体温37℃,脉搏100次/分,呼吸19次/分,血压300~+/170mmHg,心浊音界向左下方扩大,
He XX hospital patients, 33 years old, on May 2, 1983 due to pregnancy induced hypertension with hematochezia, blood in the stool. 11 years ago, the first pregnancy had “eclampsia” attack, postpartum blood pressure returned to normal. The second child is normal childbirth, not measured blood pressure. Third trimester pregnancy 2 ~ + month blood pressure 210-220 /? MmHg full-term natural childbirth. The pregnancy 4 months and 17 days when the measured blood pressure was 200 / 110mmHg, nearly half a month headache, body edema, blurred vision in the past week, visible hematuria. Hugh seizure: the spirit of clear, anemic appearance, body temperature 37 ℃, pulse 100 beats / min, breathing 19 beats / min, blood pressure 300 ~ + / 170mmHg,