
来源 :零陵师专学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuzhangbin
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一、“出”有至义,可分为两类用法 出,甲文作(?),金文作(?),皆为人足自坎内向外之形,本义为自内至其外,此乃着眼于脱离起点之范围,与之相对。引申之,外出至他地亦可曰出,这时多着眼于到达途中某地,都可简单训为至。若已至目的地范 First, the “out” there is a righteous, can be divided into two types of usage out, A writing (?), Jin Wenzuo (?), Are all from the inside out Kan form, the original meaning from the inside to the outside, this It is the opposite of the range from the starting point. Extended, go out to him can also be called out, then focus on arriving somewhere on the way, can be simple training to. If the destination has van
【正】 魏征(580—643)是我国初唐杰出的政治家、思想家。他写给唐太宗的《谏言》,不仅突出了“安国利人”的政治思想,而且也揭示了不少犯罪心理思想。今就其论述,加以分析,