
来源 :国际汉语教学动态与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gg236624
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本文对《汉语中介语语料库》中欧美学生使用量词的情况做了穷尽分析,包括使用的量词及数量,以及各量词使用的频率;归纳并分析了欧美学生正确使用量词和错误使用量词的类型,试图发现并提示一些规律,以求对面向欧美学生的汉语量词教学有所裨益。 In this paper, the exhaustive analysis of the use of measure words by the American and European students in the Chinese interlanguage corpus, including the use of the measure words and the number of the measure words and the frequency of the use of the measure words, the induction and analysis of the types of correct use of the measure words and wrongly-used measure words by European and American students, Trying to find out and prompting some laws in order to help Chinese and European students measure Chinese vocabulary.
从今年3月的《金钱》(The Money,英国万花筒剧团),到7月的《理查三世》(RichardⅢ,德国柏林邵宾纳剧院),八次为了第六届林兆华戏剧邀请展(暨第三届天津曹禺国际戏剧节)奔走京
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In the article the author looks back the hard development course and great progress in earthquake science and technology in China during the last near a half of
1992年开始风靡全球的瑞士斯沃琪手表,以其一个系列多种款式的特点和能从普及型覆盖至豪华型不同档次的兼容性创造了世界钟表史上销量的新纪录。 Swiss Swatch watch, whic