
来源 :考试与评价(大学英语教研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvguanghuang
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我国的文化精髓是几千年的历史沉淀,是不同时期政治国情、社会国情、语言国情、文学国情的写照和镜像。在经济快速发展的新时期,宣传、传播祖国文化是打造和提升我国文化软实力的形势要求。文化传播离不开翻译,翻译是文化传播的桥梁和媒介。因此,着力培养一批国情化翻译人才显得尤为重要。地方高校的翻译教学在我国国情化的大背景下,有着特殊的地方高校校情、教情及学情,本文拟从翻译教材文化入手,强化翻译教学文化意识,积极探索翻译教学国情化路径,使翻译教学活动朝着科学、理性、适合我国教学国情的方向发展。 The essence of our country’s culture is the precipitation of thousands of years of history. It is a portrayal and a mirror image of political conditions, social conditions, language conditions and literary conditions in different periods. In the new period of rapid economic development, propaganda and the dissemination of the motherland’s culture are the requirements of the situation for creating and upgrading China’s cultural soft power. Cultural transmission can not be separated from translation. Translation is the bridge and medium of cultural communication. Therefore, it is particularly important to train a group of national translators. Under the background of the national conditions of our country, the translation teaching in local colleges and universities has its own special conditions such as school affection, teaching situation and learning situation in colleges and universities. This article intends to start with the translation of textbook culture, reinforce the awareness of translation teaching culture, explore the nationalistic path of translation teaching actively, So that translation teaching activities toward science, rationality, for our country’s teaching situation in the direction of development.
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Background: t(14;18)(q32;q21) involving IGH and MALT1 has been demonstrated in cutaneous MALT lymphomas and in one case of primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cel
由中国轴承工业协会、中国机械通用零部件工业协会、中国机械基础件成套技术公司及工商业展览有限公司联合主办的2 0 0 3年中国国际机械基础件展览会订于 12月 14至 17日在上
(中国翻译协会对外传播翻译委员会中译法研讨会拥有本词汇的著作权。未经授权,任何单位和个人不得出版、刊登、转载本词汇。违者必究。)社会经济1.【恢复生态环境】 (Chines