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1995年过去了。对本刊来说,这一年过得不寻常。期刊市场竞争剧烈,纸张价格猛涨,各项费用大增,给办刊带来很大困难。但是,在省委、省政府的指导和关心下,在社会科学界的大力支持下,我刊编辑部上下一心,努力工作,辛勤耕耘,取得了令人欣慰的成果:继1992、1993年度之后,1994年度我刊文章连续第三次获得了全国“五个一工程”奖;在1995年12月揭晓的首届全国优秀社会科学期刊评奖中,我刊获得了全国优秀社科学术理论期刊提名奖;省委、省政府为本刊设立的出版专项基金正式启动,使担费供给体制开始从传统的财政划拨向基金制转变;经批准,我刊由双月刊改为月刊的筹备工作也已完成;同时,刊物总体质量有进一步提高,在年度审核中各项指标基本达到国家新闻出版署新颁的《社会科学类学术理论期刊质量管理标准》。 我们也清醒地看到存在的问题和不足,离全国一流刊物仍有不小的差距。我们深深感到,面临的发展、提高的任务仍十分艰巨,只有不断开拓、进取,才能适应时代的要求,不负于学术界的殷切厚望。在新的一年到来之际,我刊将一如既往地坚持正确的办刊宗旨,以提高刊物质量和水平为中心,不断改进刊物工作,为创办一流刊物而努力奋斗。 创一流刊物,就是按当今全国和国际的优秀期刊标准,办期刊精品。它要求我们立足广东, 1995 passed. For this magazine, this year had an extraordinary year. Periodic market competition is fierce, paper prices soar, various expenses increase greatly, bring great difficulty to the issue. However, under the guidance and care of the provincial party committee and government and with the strong support of the social science community, the editorial department of our magazine has made every effort to work hard and hard, and achieved gratifying results. After 1992 and 1993 In 1994, my article won the national “five one project” for the third time in a row. In the first national outstanding social science journal award that was announced in December 1995, I won the nomination award of outstanding national academic periodicals ; Provincial and provincial governments for the publication of the publication set up a special fund was officially launched, so fee-payment system began to shift from the traditional financial allocation to the fund system; approved, my magazine from bimonthly to monthly preparation has been completed; At the same time, the overall quality of the publications has been further improved. The indicators in the annual review basically reached the quality management standards for academic journals of social sciences newly issued by the State Press and Publication Administration. We are also soberly aware of the existing problems and shortcomings, and there is still a long way to go before the top journals in the country. We deeply feel that the task of development and improvement we still face is still arduous. Only by continuously exploring and making progress can we meet the requirements of the times and live up to the ardent expectations of the academic community. At the dawn of the new year, I will continue to adhere to the correct aim of running the journal, and improve the quality and level of the journal. We will continue to improve the journal work and work hard to create top-notch publications. A first-rate publications, that is, according to today’s national and international standards of outstanding journals, periodicals boutique. It requires us based in Guangdong,
在我国加入WTO之际,不少人曾预言,中国企业将遭遇一场亘古未有的生死“突围”。如今,一年过去了,中国企业的情况如何呢? 以长沙为例 长沙商业的发达程度在全国只是中等发达
Marcus Hawkins将详解包围曝光技巧,让画面细节得到最佳呈现。本月你将学到为何要以不同曝光参数拍摄多次?如何设置相机的包围曝光功能相机的“AEB”设置是什么,应该如何使用
蓦然惊觉,独行的路已经走到了尽头。再回首,身后那或明媚或阴晦的日子也渐成虚无。婚姻的门槛,则真实地横在眼前了。 婚姻是人生中最美好的篇章。哲人约翰·雷说:“婚姻过于