
来源 :湖南省县域经济发展报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sophiea123456
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一、面对2009年的艰难困境,我们迎难而上、负重奋进,全县经济社会发展成效显著2009年,是进入新世纪以来发展最为困难的一年,是经受各方面严峻挑战和考验的一年,也是新邵县历史上发展最好的年份之一。面对国际金融危机的不利影响,全县上下在市委、市政府和县委的坚强领导下,深入学习实践科学发展观,紧紧围绕“保增长、保民生、保稳定”目标,大力推进“两重点三主要”工作,负重奋进,迎难而上,真抓实干,全县呈现出经济持续发展、社会和谐稳定、民生民利改善的喜人局面。一是发展速度明显加快。全年四个季度持续保持两位数增长,主要经济指标连创新高,多项指标增速位居全市前列。全县完成生产总值52.3亿元,增长13.3%,增速比上年 I. Faced with the difficult dilemma in 2009, we have faced the difficulties and progressed with weight. The economic and social development in the county has achieved remarkable results. In 2009, it was the most difficult year for development since the beginning of the new century. It was subjected to the harsh challenges and tests of all quarters One year is also one of the best years in the history of Xinshao County. Faced with the adverse effects of the international financial crisis, the entire county, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee, city government and county government, studied and practiced in depth the scientific concept of development and pushed forward the goal of “ensuring growth, protecting people’s livelihood and ensuring stability” The work of “two key points and three main tasks” progressed with a sense of urgency, faced the challenge of hardship, and practiced with due diligence. The county has shown a gratifying situation of sustained economic development, social harmony and stability, and improvement of livelihood and people’s livelihood. First, the development speed obviously accelerated. The four quarters of the year continued to maintain double-digit growth with major economic indicators reaching new highs with a number of indicators of growth at the forefront of the city. The county completed a GDP of 5.23 billion yuan, an increase of 13.3%, growth over the previous year
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