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旱稻良种——“85—1—15”,系中国农科院西双版纳植物园吴世斌学者利用“二系”杂交优势法选育而成,国家科委已将该品种列入国家高科技计划,1990年至1992年山东《信息快报》、《四川科技报》分别作了详细报道。近两年来我站引进试种,在干旱、多雨、低温、寡照和在麦茬地中种植并套作玉米、黄豆、红苕等作物情况下,表现良好。旱地栽培平均亩产416~575公斤,水田栽培平均亩产524~750公斤,比当前农业生产上大面积推广的“汕优63”、“D 优63”、“岗优12”等杂交稻良种增产5.7~11.7%,成熟期早5天以上,米质略逊于“汕优63”,与“D 优63”近似,且苗期能耐55天左右的 Upland rice varieties - “85-1-15”, Department of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Xishuangbanna Botanic Gardens Wu Shibin scholars use the “second line” hybrid advantage breeding, the State Science and Technology Commission has the varieties included in the national high-tech plan, 1990 To 1992, “Shandong Information Express”, “Sichuan Science and Technology News” made a detailed report respectively. In the past two years, we have introduced trial planting in our station and performed well under dry, rainy, low temperature, low light and crops planted in wheat stubble field and maize crops such as corn, soybeans and red croaker. The average yield per mu in the dry land is 416-575 kilograms, and the average yield per mu in paddy fields is 524-750 kilograms. Compared with the current hybrid rice varieties such as “Shanyou 63”, “D You 63” and “Gangyou 12” which are widely popularized in agricultural production, The yield was 5.7 ~ 11.7% and the maturity was earlier than 5 days. The quality of rice was slightly lower than that of “Shanyou 63”, similar to “D You 63”, and the seedling could tolerate about 55 days
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