
来源 :高能物理与核物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XSDCL
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利用含有 3种对称势形式的同位旋相关的量子分子动力学 ,研究了中能重离子碰撞中原子核阻止的同位旋效应和随入射道条件的系统演化过程 .计算结果表明 ,原子核阻止灵敏地依赖束流能量、碰撞参数、碰撞系统的质量和核子 -核子碰撞截面的同位旋相关性 ,而 3种对称势和碰撞系统的中质比对它的影响不很明显 ,但在大约费米能量以下能区 ,原子核阻止同时依赖于介质中核子 -核子碰撞截面和对称势 .故认为在费米能量以上能区直至 1 50MeV/u ,原子核阻止是提取介质中核子 -核子碰撞截面的一个新的物理观测量 . The isospin-related isospin effect and the evolution of the system with the incident channel conditions were studied by using the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics method with three kinds of symmetric potential forms.The results show that the nuclei prevent sensitive dependence The energy of the beam, the collision parameters, the mass of the collision system and the isospin dependence of the nuclear-nuclear collision cross section. However, the influence of the mass-to-mass ratio of the three symmetric potential and the collision system is not obvious. However, At the same time, the nucleation is inhibited by both the nucleon-nucleon collision cross-section and the symmetry potential in the medium, so it is considered that the nucleus stop is a new physics of the nuclear-nucleon collision cross section in the medium extracted from above the Fermi energy up to 1 50 MeV / u Observations.
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利用能量为 90— 1 0 5MeV的16 O束流 ,通过197Au( 16 O ,4n)反应研究了2 0 9 Fr的高自旋态能级结构 .进行了γ射线的激发函数、γ γ延迟符合及γ射线的角分布测量 .首次建
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用JETSET事例产生器对e+ e- →q q +ng→hadrons反应中 ,末态部分子( q q +ng)以色分离的联接方式进行强子化时 ,各种强子产额及π + ,K± ,p/ p的动量谱进行了计算 ;与传统
This paper discusses the development of Boolean methods in some topics on graph em-beddings which are related to VLSI. They are mainly the general theory of gra