SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb and Molybdenite Re-Os Datings of the Superlarge Donggou Porphyry Molybdenum Depos

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SteveZou
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Located in the eastern part of the East Qinling molybdenum belt,the Donggou deposit is a superlarge porphyry molybdenum deposit discovered in recent years.The authors performed highly precise dating of the mineralized porphyry and ores in the Donggou molybdenum deposit.A SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of the Donggou aluminous A-type granite-porphyry gave a rock-forming age of 112+1 Ma,and the ICP-MS Re-Os analyses of molybdenite from the molybdenum deposit yielded Re- Os model ages ranging from 116.5±1.7 to 115.5±1.7 Ma for the deposit.The ages obtained by the two methods are quite close,suggesting that the rocks and ores formed approximately at the same time.The Donggou molybdenum deposit formed at least 20 Ma later than the Jinduicheng,Nannihu, Shangfanggou and Leimengou porphyry molybdenum deposits in the same molybdenum belt,implying that these deposits were formed in different tectonic settings. Located in the eastern part of the East Qinling molybdenum belt, the Donggou deposit is a superlarge porphyry molybdenum deposit discovered in recent years. These authors performed highly precise dating of the mineralized porphyry and ores in the Donggou molybdenum deposit. A SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of the Donggou aluminous A-type granite-porphyry gave a rock-forming age of 112 + 1 Ma, and the ICP-MS Re-Os analyzes of molybdenite from the molybdenum deposit yielded Re- Os model ages ranging from 116.5 ± 1.7 to 115.5 ± 1.7 Ma for the deposit.Theses obtained by the two methods are quite close, suggesting that the rocks andores formed approximately at the same time.The Donggou molybdenum deposit formed at least 20 Ma later than the Jinduicheng, Nannihu, Shangfanggou and Leimengou porphyry molybdenum deposits in the same molybdenum belt, implying that these deposits were formed in different tectonic settings.
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