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5月3日,在西甲第36轮的比赛中,坐镇主场的巴塞罗那被客队赫塔费一次精妙的任意球配合攻破球门。此球充分抓住了红蓝军团的身高劣势,主罚任意球的萨拉维亚将球接近垂直挑向禁区内的队友拉菲塔,拉菲塔胸部停球后转身将球打入球门。任意球是足球赛场上重要的得分手段,不断给我们带来着惊喜,有时更能化腐朽为神奇从而拯救比赛。而任意球的处理方式更 May 3, in the 36th round of La Liga game, home town of Barcelona by the guest Getafe a subtle free kick with goal-breaking goal. The ball fully seized the red and blue Corps height disadvantage, the free kick of the ball Saratov ball near vertical to the restricted area teammate Lafita, Rafidah chest turned the ball after the ball into the goal. Free kick is an important means of scoring in the football arena, constantly bringing us surprises, and sometimes even more decadent magic to save the game. The free-kick processing more
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本文分析了sdIBM模型,指出引入g玻色子自由度的必要性。引入SDI势和g玻色子自由度,建立了sdgIBM+2q.p.的原子核结构的相互作用玻色子模型。 This paper analyzes the sdIBM model and points out th
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