
来源 :中国无线电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shanchy
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随着无线电通信事业的飞速发展,对无线电监测、测向系统也提出了越来越高的技术和性能方面的要求。世界上少数发达国家抓住时机,正不断研制和推出新的无线电监测、测向系统,其目的不仅在于满足本国无线电监测和国防等领域的需求,还企图在技术上和市场上对其他国家形成长期的垄断之势并不断谋取高额利润。我国作为世界上最大的发展中国家和社会主义市场经济国家,不可能在这个涉及到国家安全和有较大利润空间的高科技领域长期受制于人,而应该与时俱进,从我国现有的电子工业基础和实际出发,走一条有中国自己特色的、跨越式的发展无线电监测产业的道路。本文从VXI总线结构下的多信道无线电监测、测向系统的应用入手,希望对我国无线电监测产业如何与时俱进起到抛砖引玉的作用。 With the rapid development of radio communications, increasingly higher technical and performance requirements have also been put forward for radio monitoring and direction finding systems. The few developed countries in the world seized the opportunity and are constantly developing and launching new radio monitoring and direction finding systems not only to meet the needs of their own countries in areas such as radio monitoring and defense but also to try to form a technology and market to other countries Long-term monopoly situation and continue to seek high profits. As the largest developing country and socialist market economy in the world, it is impossible for China to remain in control of this high-tech field involving national security and greater profit margins. It should keep pace with the times, Industrial base and reality, take a road that has China’s own characteristics and leaps and bounds in developing the radio monitoring industry. This article starts with the application of multi-channel radio monitoring and direction finding system under the VXI bus structure, hoping to play a valuable role in how the radio monitoring industry in our country advances with the times.
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