在球迷的印象里,尤文图斯就是“稳健”的代名词,不管别人如何摇旗呐喊甚嚣其上,也不管别人如何浓妆艳抹招摇过市,“老夫人”总是一如既往地平淡从容,总是按部就班一步一个脚印地前进,永远都是张弛有度、稳扎稳打,其指点江山的王者风范和从容不迫的大将风度,几乎征服了所有意大利球迷。但本赛季的尤文图斯却摇身一变,变得像发飙的法拉利赛车一样深不可测。在前9场联赛中,素以防守稳固著称的尤文图斯出人意料地丢了9个球,而罗马和 AC米兰的失球数分别只有3个和4个;相反的是,在当家球星皮埃罗因伤缺阵的情况下,“斑马军团”居然奇迹般地攻入23球,平均每场进球2.56个,比以进攻著称的AC 米兰多7球,比进球数暂列次席的罗马队多5球。这样的攻击力很难和印象中的尤文图斯挂上钩,从某种意义上来说,它更像上个赛季初无坚不摧的 AC 米兰。
In the fans’ impression, Juventus is synonymous with “steady”, no matter how people shake the banner shouting on it, no matter how other people make up their makeup, “old lady ” always calm and calm as always, always step by step Step by step forward, always relaxation, steady and steady, pointing the country style and leisurely generals, almost conquered all the Italian fans. However, Juventus this season has been transformed into the same unpredictable as the soaring Ferrari. Juventus, known for his solid defensive streak, has unexpectedly lost nine goals in the first nine league games, while Roma and AC Milan have conceded only three and four goals conceded respectively. Conversely, Luo injury due to the absence of circumstances, “Bianconeri ” actually miraculously scored 23 goals, averaging 2.56 goals per game, more than the offensive AC Milan 7 goals, second goal than the number of goals temporarily Roma team more than 5 goals. This attack is difficult to impress with the impression of Juventus, in a sense, it is more like last invincible AC Milan at the beginning of the season.