正确处理十大关系 不断开创广东检察工作新局面

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党的十五大报告从战略全局的高度对实施依法治国方略和强化法律监督作了重要论述。如何认真贯彻落实十五大报告对法律监督提出的要求,在依法治国进程中发挥更加积极、重要的作用,是当前检察机关值得思考、解决的课题。按照全国检察长座谈会精神,结合广东实际,我认为在这次执法思想大讨论和今后的工作中,找们应重点处理好以下十大关系。一、正确处理坚持加强党的领导和独立公正行使检察权的关系。中国共产党是领导我国各项事业的核心力量,坚持党的领导是我国检察机关长期形成的优良传统,也是具有中国特色的检察制度最根本的标志。党的领导与我国宪法和人民检察院组织法关于“人民检察院依照法律独立行使检察权,不受其它行政机关社会团体和个人的干涉。”的规定是不矛盾的。 The report of the 15th National Congress of the CPC made an important exposition of implementing the strategy of running the country according to law and strengthening legal supervision from the strategic overall situation. How to conscientiously implement the requirements set by the 15th National Congress for legal supervision and play a more active and important role in the process of governing the country according to law is a topic worthy of consideration and resolution by the procuratorial organs at present. In accordance with the spirit of the National Procurator-General Symposium and the reality of Guangdong, I think it is important to find a solution to the following ten major issues in the discussion of this law-enforcement thinking and its future work. I. Correctly Handle the Relationship between Sticking to the Strengthening of the Leadership of the Party and the Exercise of Procuratorial Power independently and impartially. The Chinese Communist Party is the core force that leads all undertakings in our country. Adhering to the leadership of the party is a fine tradition long established by the procuratorial organs in our country. It is also the most fundamental symbol of the procuratorial system with Chinese characteristics. The leadership of the party is in accordance with the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorate on the principle that the People’s Procuratorate shall exercise independent procuratorial power in accordance with the law and be free from interference by social organizations and individuals in other administrative organs. "