立足地区 放眼全球——访Global One中国公司总经理萨卫洲

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今年下半年,继Global One公司的三家股东公司-德国电信、法国电信和斯普林特的董事长访华后,Global One公司总裁及到中国会见了中国邮电部高级官员。这一连串的高层接触引起了电信界人士的注意,为了了解GlobalOne公司在中国的发展状况及今后打算。《世界电信》杂志对Global One中国公司总经理萨卫洲先生进行了专访。 萨卫洲(Savageau)先生毕业于美国马里兰大学,攻读信息系统管理并从事亚洲地区研究;之后在阿肯色大学获得运营管理硕士学位。在加入斯普林特公司前担任美国空军通讯及指挥官。从1996年3月起被任命为Global One中国公司总经理。 In the second half of this year, following the visits of three shareholders of Global One’s shareholders, namely Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom and Sprint, the president of Global One Company and China met with senior officials of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of China. This series of high-level contacts caught the attention of the telecoms community in order to understand the development status of GlobalOne in China and its future plans. World Telecom magazine conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Sa Weizhou, general manager of Global One China. Mr. Savageau graduated from the University of Maryland in the United States, studying information system management and conducting research in the Asian region. He then obtained a master’s degree in operations management from the University of Arkansas. Prior to joining Sprint, served as communications and commander of the United States Air Force. Since March 1996, he has been appointed as the general manager of Global One China.
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standardfuelequivalent100percenteffectivecontentequivalentSource:stateBureauofthePRCOutput of Major Industrial Products in September 1997 standardfuelequivalen
Output of Major Industrial Products in July 1997 Output of Major Industrial Products in July 1997