
来源 :中华女子学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tfnpfije
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妇女发展与人口控制对促进我国的经济发展有至关重要的作用。妇女发展与人口控制又都是我国社会进步的重要标志。妇女发展的程度,制约着妇女生育率,从而直接影响人口控制的成效。人口控制的效果,制约着我国经济和社会的发展,从而影响妇女发展的环境和条件。妇女发展与人口控制是我们建设有中国特色的社会主义所面临的急需解决的重要课题,二者之间又有十分密切的关系。因此,深入探讨二者的关系,揭示妇女发展怎样制约人口控制,如何促进妇女发展为人口控制做出贡献,不仅有重要的现实意义,也有重要的理论价值。 实现我国的人口控制目标必须重视妇女发展 1995年2月15日,我国人口已越过12亿。为进一步唤起全党全民对人口问题的高度重视,中央八个部门和北京市政府在人民大会堂联合召开了“中国12亿人口日”大会,以树立计划生育工作的紧迫感,从而实现到本世纪末将我国总人口控制在13亿以内的战略目标。 Women’s development and population control are crucial to the promotion of China’s economic development. Women’s development and population control are all important hallmarks of our social progress. The degree of women’s development restricts the fertility rate of women and thus directly affects the effectiveness of population control. The effect of population control restricts the economic and social development in our country and thus affects the environment and conditions for the development of women. Women’s development and population control are urgent issues that we must address in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. There is a very close relationship between the two. Therefore, it is of great practical significance and important theoretical value to further explore the relationship between the two and reveal how women’s development restricts population control and how to promote women’s development to contribute to population control. To achieve the goal of population control in our country we must attach importance to the development of women On February 15, 1995, our population had surpassed 1.2 billion. In order to further arouse the attention of the entire party and the entire people to the population issue, the eight departments of the Central Government and the Beijing Municipal Government jointly held the “China’s 1.2 Billion Population Day” conference in the Great Hall of the People to establish a sense of urgency in family planning work so as to achieve this At the end of the century, our country’s total population will be controlled within the strategic goal of less than 1.3 billion.
丹皮、杜仲、赤芍、川续断、延胡索各15克,泽兰、牛膝、红花、桃仁、苏木、乌药各14克,三七、乳香、没药各9克,生甘草6克。水煎服,每日1剂,分2~3次口服,用药2~8剂即可痊愈。 D