贯彻《行政许可法》 完善管理法规

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今年7月1日,《中华人民共和国行政许可法》(以下简称《行政许可法》)将正式实施。用温家宝总理的话说,这将是行政机关的一场“自我革命”。它对于进一步转变政府职能,改革行政管理方式,提高行政管理水平,推进依法行政进程,都具有十分重要的意义。宗教工作是党和国家工作中的重要组成部分,宗教事务部门是政府依法管理宗教事务的职能部门,《行政许可法》的实施,无疑将带给宗教工作和宗教事务部门新的挑战与机遇。如何理解《行政许可法》的基本精神,贯彻落实《行政许可法》已具备哪些条件,怎样贯彻落实《行政许可法》,等等,都是宗教事务部门和广大宗教工作者必须认真考虑和应对的紧迫课题。为了推动对《行政许可法》的学习与贯彻,进一步做好宗教工作,本刊约请国务院法制办、国家宗教局政法司以及上海、江苏、湖南宗教工作部门的有关同志,就“《行政许可法》带给宗教工作的挑战与机遇”进行了笔谈。 July 1 this year, “People's Republic of China Administrative Licensing Law” (hereinafter referred to as “Administrative Licensing Law”) will be officially implemented. In the words of Premier Wen Jiabao, this will be a “self-revolution” by the executive authorities. It is of great significance for further transforming the functions of the government, reforming the mode of administration, raising the level of administration, and promoting the process of administration according to law. Religious work is an important part of the work of the party and the state. Religious affairs departments are the functional departments that govern the administration of religious affairs according to law. The implementation of the Administrative Licensing Law undoubtedly will bring new challenges and opportunities to the religious work and religious affairs departments. How to understand the basic spirit of “Administrative Permission Law”, how to implement the “Administrative Permission Law”, and how to implement “Administrative Permission Law”, etc., must be carefully considered and dealt with by the religious affairs departments and the religious workers in general The pressing issue. In order to promote the study and implementation of the Law on Administrative Licensing and further improve religious work, this journal invites relevant legal comrades of the State Council, the Political and Legal Department of the State Religious Affairs Bureau and the religious work departments of Shanghai, Jiangsu and Hunan to discuss on the Administrative Licensing Law “Challenges and Opportunities for Religious Work”.
目的 研究角度测试方法 .方法 利用几何光学矩阵理论 .结果 得到了被测角度与图像几何特征参数的关系 .结论 所得角度测试方法可行且有效 Aim To study the method of a
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