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以黑加仑品种世纪光和世纪星为实验试材,盆栽幼苗分别在土壤相对含水量为80%(CK)、60%(轻度胁迫)、40%(中度胁迫)条件下处理30d,分别测定了游离脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖、叶片相对含水量及质膜相对透性含量等指标。结果表明,经轻度和中度土壤干旱胁迫处理,两品种黑加仑叶片中游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖含量随胁迫天数增加而不断增加,且世纪光的含量均高于世纪星;可溶性蛋白质含量和叶片相对含水量则逐渐降低,世纪星的含量要低于世纪光,且下降幅度要大于世纪光;叶片质膜相对透性也逐渐增加;在第30天,轻度胁迫处理两品种质膜相对透性均未超过20%,说明都未达到致命损伤,而中度胁迫处理的世纪光在第24天质膜相对透性超过了50%,世纪星在第18天超过了50%,达到半致死程度,在第30天世纪光和世纪星的质膜相对透性分别达到了61.2%和72.0%。说明黑加仑品种世纪光的抗旱性较世纪星强。 Taking blackcurrant variety Century Light and Century Star as experimental materials, potted seedlings were treated under the conditions of relative soil moisture of 80% (CK), 60% (mild stress) and 40% (moderate stress), respectively The contents of free proline, soluble protein, soluble sugar, leaf relative water content and plasma membrane relative permeability were measured. The results showed that the content of free proline and soluble sugar in blackcurrant leaves of two varieties increased with the increase of stress days, and the light content of the century was higher than that of the Century Star. The content of soluble protein And the relative water content of leaves gradually decreased, the content of the century stars was lower than that of the century light, and the decline rate was greater than that of the century light. The relative permeability of the plasma membrane also increased gradually. On the 30th day, Relative permeability of less than 20%, indicating that none of the deadly damage was reached. However, the moderate permeability of the century light reached more than 50% of the relative permeability of the plasma membrane on the 24th day, and the century star exceeded 50% on the 18th day Semi-lethality, the plasma membrane relative permeability of Century Light and Century Star reached 61.2% and 72.0% respectively on the 30th day. This shows that the century drought resistance of blackcurrant varieties is stronger than that of the Century Star.
目的 研究大豆异黄酮对去卵巢大鼠血液生化指标的影响。方法 将 4月龄雌性SD大鼠摘除卵巢,按体重分成 6组,分别给予不同剂量的大豆异黄酮或 /和钙粉,连续灌胃饲养二个半月
青海省第一条高速公路———平安至西宁高速公路 6月底正式通车 ,结束了青海没有高速公路的历史。  概算总投资 1 0 .86亿元的平西高速公路 ,东起青海湖东行署所在地平安镇