Effect of Gasoline Property on Formation of Intake Valve and Combustion Chamber Deposits

来源 :中国炼油与石油化工(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gudujian13
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The cleanliness of gasoline is related to its components and properties.All commercial gasoline builds up deposits on the engine’s injector,intake valve and combustion chamber,which can significantly lower the engine performance and influence exhaust gas emissions.In this study,the intake valve deposits (IVD) and combustion chamber deposits (CCD) produced from combustion of fuel containing 21 v%-42 v% of aromatics and 8 v%-31 v% of olefins have been studied using Ford engine tests,and the characteristics of deposits were studied by IR spectroscopy,TGA and elemental analysis instrument.The test results have shown that deposit formation depends on the fuel composition,especially the aromatic content in the fuel.It is also observed that there are differences in the values of IVD and CCD measured by IR spectrometry and elemental analyses.
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