
来源 :贵州农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinnengm9min
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水稻纹枯病是水稻主要病害之一。近来发生危害逐年加重,特别是多肥密植的高产田块发病最烈,严重阻碍水稻的平衡增产。我们从广东省农科院引进井冈霉素产生菌49—10菌株,土法生产井冈霉素。78~79两年田间小区、大区和示范防治,效果良好。以南优二号为小区试验,孕穗末期,井冈霉素不论工业品、土法产品均有明显效果。土法产品30、50、70ppm三种浓度的防效均在90%以上,50ppm的工业品防效为99%,超过了50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂1000倍液的效果。以铁骨矮为大区试验,6月17日喷施,50ppm井冈霉素土产品和工业 Rice sheath blight is one of the main diseases of rice. Recently, the harms have worsened year by year. In particular, the high-yielding and high-yielding plots with the most abundant fertilizer have the strongest incidence and seriously impede the balanced yield increase of rice. We introduced Jingangmycin-producing strain 49-10 from Guangdong Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and produced native Jinggangmycin. 78 ~ 79 two-year field plot, area and model prevention and treatment, the effect is good. Nam You 2 for the district test, booting end, Jinggangmycin both industrial products, indigenous products have significant results. Native products 30,50,70 ppm three kinds of concentrations of anti-efficiency are above 90%, 50ppm industrial anti-99%, over 50% carbendazim WP 1000 times the effect. Iron short for the large area test, sprayed on June 17, 50ppm Jinggangmycin soil products and industrial
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Interaction between two spheres with an interstitial fluid is essential in Discrete Element modeling for simulating the behaviors of ’wet’ particulate materia
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危害人参的地老虎,常以大地老虎(Agrotis tokionis Butler)和小地老虎(A·ypsilon Rottemberg)为主,而八字地老虎(A·c-nigum Linnae)危害人参(Panax Ginseng C·A·Meyer)