用ASTM C1701标准评价透水性连锁混凝土路面砖路面的渗透性能

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透水性连锁混凝土路面砖路面(PLCP)已越来越多地被应用于城镇区域的路面雨水管控和低影响发展(LID)。对于选用真空清理设备来进行透水性路面维护,目的是尽量恢复路面表面的渗水性能。本文介绍一种透水性路面渗透性能测试方法,它基于美国ASTM C1701《透水性混凝土渗水速率的现场测试试验方法》标准中所描述的单环渗透仪测试方法。该种方法系2004年为测量PICP和混凝土格子砖路面(编辑注:指像国内植草砖路面)的渗透性而最早研制,并在2009年由美国测量与材料学会(ASTM)批准和发布为ASTM标准,它仅适用于透水性混凝土路面的渗透性检测。在美国纽约州长岛的透水性连锁混凝土路面砖路面(PICP)上进行透水性试验结果证实:ASTM C1701标准所给出检测方法,适用于在路面现场对PICP路面进行渗水速率的测试;对施工完工后的透水性路面进行渗透性能测试,路面的平均渗水速率为1.4×10-3米/秒或更大。还参照美国环保署(US EPA)设在新泽西州埃迪森,包括PICP、透水性现浇混凝土路面和透水性沥青路面在内的几种透水性路面结构的试验研究设施,开展了采用改进版ASTM C1701标准的试验研究。对ASTM C1701标准修订提出的改进建议包括:①在热天应使用橡皮泥把试验环封闭在路面上;②应使用有刻度的容易桶,来确定渗透水的数量;③要规定一种方法,来选择、确定试验仪器在路面上的放置位置;使用带刻度的容器,可免除在测试现场使用秤来确定渗透水的重量。另外,为了对比目的,修订ASTM C1701标准内容时,应考虑它能适用于除PICP外的如烧结粘土砖透水性路面的渗透性能测试。 Permeable interlocking concrete paving slabs (PLCPs) are increasingly being used for pavement rain management and low impact development (LID) in urban areas. For the selection of vacuum cleaning equipment for water-permeable pavement maintenance, the purpose is to try to restore the water seepage performance of the pavement surface. This article presents a test method for permeability of pervious pavement, based on the single-loop method for permeability testing as described in the ASTM C1701, Field Test Method for Water Permeability Rate of Permeable Concrete. This method was first developed in 2004 to measure the permeability of PICP and concrete brick pavers (Editor’s Note: Refers to domestic grass-paving slabs) and was approved and published by the American Society for Measurement and Materials (ASTM) in 2009 as ASTM Standard, it is only suitable for permeability testing of permeable concrete pavement. Water Permeability Test on Permeable Interlocked Concrete Paving Slabs (PICP) on Long Island, New York, USA, confirmed that the test method given by ASTM C1701 is suitable for testing the seepage rate of PICP pavement on the pavement. After permeable pavement permeability test, the average water seepage rate of 1.4 × 10-3 m / s or more. Reference is also made to the U.S. EPA’s test research facility for several permeable pavement structures, including PICP, water-permeable cast-in-place concrete pavements and permeable asphalt pavement, located in Edison, New Jersey, ASTM C1701 standard test study. Suggestions for revisions to the ASTM C1701 standard include the following: ① Plastic rings should be used to seal the test ring on the surface of the road; ② graduated easy-to-use buckets should be used to determine the amount of water infiltrated; ③ a method must be provided to Select to determine where the test equipment is placed on the pavement; use a graduated container to dispense with the use of scales at the test site to determine the weight of the infiltrated water. In addition, for purposes of comparison, when revising the ASTM C1701 standard, consideration should be given to its ability to be used for permeability testing of permeable paving, such as sintered clay bricks, except for PICP.