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2000年国际原油市场回顾1998年亚洲金融风暴席卷全球,使世界经济一蹶不振,严重导致了全球石油需求量的下降,当时的油价每桶最低跌到10美元以下,这使得世界主要产油国损失巨大。在这样的形势下,欧佩克(石油输出国组织)11个成员国自1999年3月份起开始实行限产保价政策,从 Review of the International Crude Oil Market in 2000 The global financial crisis in Asia swept the globe in 1998, causing the global economy to slump. This has led to a serious drop in the global oil demand. At that time, the minimum oil price dropped below 10 U.S. dollars per barrel, which caused a huge loss to the world’s major oil-producing countries . Under such circumstances, the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 11 member countries have implemented the policy of limit sale and purchase price since March 1999. From
东昆仑造山带岩浆岩出露面积巨大 ,构成规模宏大的东昆仑岩浆弧带 .侵入岩以海西—印支期为主体 ,少量加里东期、燕山期岩浆活动[1~3] .在进行冬给措纳湖幅 1∶2 5万填图过程
A fully kinetic particle-in-cell/Monte Carlo model is employed to self-consistently study the effects of fast-ion injection on sheath potential and electric fie
地球轨道参数驱动的太阳辐射变化造成了中全新世北半球大陆夏季的普遍增温 ,但中低纬度的冬季温度低于现代。古气候模型和古植被模型在这个动力驱动基础上 ,对东亚季风区的模
据美国《油气杂志》报导 ,今年石油需求量预计为256.95亿桶 ,比去年增长2 %~2.4 % ,2001年为262亿桶 ,2002年267.1亿桶。其它能源包括天然气 ,煤炭的需求量也都将以2 %左右的速度增长 ,核能及其它能源需求
A lafge haly of conspicuous p.blicati..[l] in recent year asserts that the high temPera-ture aPproximation (HTA), a mostly tested and moot widely used assumptio
降低汽油硫含量的吸附剂新技术已由菲利普斯石油公司开发出来。中试结果表明 ,新技术可以容易地满足对汽油硫含量的规定。该公司正在设计首套工业化装置以示范该技术及其优点
Based on the hydrogen-terminated surface channel diamond material,a 1μm gate length diamond metal-insulator-semiconductor field-effect transistor(MISFET) was f
本文在前人研究的基础上介绍了《华夷译语》的分类、学术价值和影响,并利用语言迁移理论和克拉申的“可理解性输入假说”讨论了《华夷译语》编纂的一些不足之处。 Based on