
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhhc1987
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第八届环太平洋友好港讨论会于1996年4月30日至5月3日在韩国釜山举行。会议由韩国釜山港主办,出席会议的有中国上海港、天津港、美国西雅图港、日本神户港的代表,此外,还有釜山港各码头公司代表、韩国海运和贸易界人士、韩国海运院校学者等。 韩国海运研究院院长赵正济、西雅图港海运规划和发展处处长克里斯廷、神户港务局局长江口正秋,釜山地区海运港湾厅厅长金升圭、天津港务局局长王恩德、上海港务局副局长范增胜等先后在会上发言。综合发言,我们可以对世界港口,尤其是神户、釜山等港有更多的了解。 一 随着全球经济的开放,全球贸易日益增多,海运业随之繁荣,船舶大型化和高速化以及运输技术的发展给航运和港口带来质和量两个方面的变化。为此,迈向21世纪的港口应扩大港口规模,使设备现代化,提高经营效率,发展多式联运,港口功能应多样化,同时重视港口的安全和环境。 The Eighth Pacific Rim Friendship Forum was held in Busan, South Korea from April 30 to May 3, 1996. Organized by Busan Port, South Korea, the meeting was attended by representatives from Shanghai Port of China, Tianjin Port, Seattle Harbor of the United States and Kobe Port of Japan. In addition, representatives of Busan Port’s terminals, South Korean shipping and trade people, Scholars and so on. Zhao Zhengji, dean of the Korea Maritime Research Institute, Christine, Director of Maritime Planning and Development Division, Port of Seattle, Masayuki Eguchi, director of the Kobe Port Authority, Kim Seung-ku, director of the Maritime Shipping Harbor Agency of Busan, and Wang Ende, director of the Tianjin Port Authority Secretary Fan Zengsheng and others successively addressed the meeting. In conclusion, we can learn more about the world’s ports, especially Kobe and Busan. With the opening up of the global economy, increasing global trade, the consequent prosperity of the maritime industry, the enlargement and speeding of ships and the development of transportation technologies have brought both qualitative and quantitative changes to shipping and ports. To this end, the ports in the 21st century should expand the size of ports, modernize their facilities, enhance operational efficiency and develop multimodal transport. Port functions should be diversified, with emphasis on port safety and the environment.
目的 探讨多黏菌素B(Polymyxin B,PMB)对碳青霉烯耐药革兰阴性杆菌(Carbapenem-resistant Organism,CRO)引起脓毒症患者的有效性及安全性;方法 观察性研究2018年10月1日至201
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