以色列与中国:双边合作前景广阔 专访以色列驻华大使马腾(Matan Vilnai)

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1992年,中以双边贸易额为1亿美元,现在则接近100亿美元,我们希望在每个领域都达成这样的进步。在中以两国彼此加深了解的道路上,最重要的不是政府间的往来,而是民众之间的交流,这也是我们一直努力在做的事情。中华民族和犹太民族代表着世界上两大古老的文明,他们的联系始自古犹太人逃亡中国之时从那时起,中国就是一度亡国的犹太人可以安居乐业的国度。中国人民和犹太人民已经有了1000年的友谊在反法西斯的战争中,他们互相支持,为中犹友谊史谱写了历史性的篇章。1992年1月24日,中 In 1992, the bilateral trade volume between China and Israel was 100 million U.S. dollars and it is now nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars. We hope that such progress will be reached in every field. On the road between China and Israel to deepen mutual understanding, the most important thing is not the inter-government exchanges but the exchanges between the people. This is what we have been trying to do. The Chinese nation and the Jewish nation represent the two ancient civilizations in the world. Since the time when the ancient Jews fled to China, China was once a country where the Jewish people who perished could live and work in peace. The Chinese People and the Jewish People Have Have a 1000-Year Friendship During the anti-fascist war, they supported each other and wrote a historic chapter for the history of friendship between the two countries. January 24, 1992, China
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摘 要  万历朝鲜役在东北亚史学界的研究地位,不仅仅缘于它涉及到中国、朝鲜、日本三个国家,还因为它所带来的变化。朝鲜经此一役人口锐减到原来的六分之一甚至七分之一;日本因此各派系力量发生变化,德川政府被推上政治舞台;明政府援朝耗资巨大,国力疲敝,女真以此为契机迅速发展壮大;这场战争可以说严重冲击了中朝日三国国内外形势,影响了后来东北亚国际关系。鉴于万历朝鲜役的重要性,笔者依托国内外学者的研究成果,从
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