如果说,解决住房问题是上海新3年城市建设的一台重头戏的话,那么,解决中低收入者家庭在市场经济条件下的住房问题,更应是“重中之重”。 这几年来,随着旧城改造、市政动迁、危棚简屋改造步伐的加快和住宅建设总量的迅猛增加,部分市民的居住条件得到了一定程度的改善。市区人均居住面积由1991年的6.7m~2,提高到1994年的7.5m~2,在此期间住宅成套率也由34.6%,提高到44.5%。但是,目前上海仍有7.45万户居民的人均居住面积在4m~2以下,相当部分居民住房仍然比较困难。由于历史原因和形成于计划
If solving the housing problem is a highlight of Shanghai’s new urban construction in the next three years, then solving the housing problem for low-income families in the market economy should be the most important task. In recent years, with the transformation of the old city, the relocation of municipalities, the quickening of the transformation of the simple houses and the rapid increase of the total amount of housing construction, the living conditions of some citizens have been improved to some extent. Urban per capita living space increased from 6.7m ~ 2 in 1991 to 7.5m ~ 2 in 1994, during which period the residential completion rate also increased from 34.6% to 44.5%. However, at present, there are still 7.45 million inhabitants in Shanghai living area per capita in the 4m ~ 2 or less, a considerable portion of residential housing is still more difficult. For historical reasons and formed in the plan