Symbols of Entrapment and Freedom in The Awakening

来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:urtracy2009
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Symbolism is the writing technique of using symbols.It is one of the devices that enrich the short fiction and compensate for its briefness in space.Symbols are objects,characters,figures, colors or even events used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.It is a thing that suggests more than its literal meaning.Symbols play an important part in literature as literary works are the results of combination of both reality and imagination.One of the excellent aspects of Chopin’s work is the use of symbols,which have added both color and meaning to the principle subject chosen by Chopin.The Awakening is a novel full of symbols that assist in developing the protagonist,Edna Pontellier,in her“awakening.”These symbols include“birds,houses,clothes,art,piano playing,sleep,swimming and the water.”(whether it be the ocean,Gulf or the sea)(Cully,1976) And all these symbols work as effective means for the author to portray the heroine’ s image and assist in developing Edna’ s gradual process of awakening.This paper tends to categorize some of these important symbols in two different aspects;the symbols of entrapment and the symbols of freedom.Every symbol in each aspect will be discussed in detail and their reflections will be explained respectively. Symbolism is the writing technique of using symbols. It is one of the devices that enrich the short fiction and make up for its briefness in space. Symbols are objects, characters, figures, colors or even events used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. It is a thing that an apparently more than its literal meaning.Symbols play an important part in literature as literary works are the results of combination of both reality and imagination. One of the excellent aspects of Chopin’s work is the use of symbols, which have added both color and meaning to the principle subject chosen by Chopin. The Awakening is a novel full of symbols that assist in developing the protagonist, Edna Pontellier, in her “awakening. ” These symbols include “birds, houses, clothes, art, piano playing, sleep, swimming and the water. ”(whether it be the ocean, Gulf or the sea) (Cully, 1976) And all these symbols work as effective means for the author to portray the heroine’s images and assist in developing Edna ’s gradual process of awakening.This paper tends to categorize some of these important symbols in two different aspects; the symbols of entrapment and the symbols of freedom. Every symbol in each aspect will be discussed in detail and their reflections will be explained respectively.
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