
来源 :中国民康医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gudujian13
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突发性耳聋(简称突聋,sudden deafness,SD)是一种可为多种不同病因所引起,但大多数患者的病因不详突然发生的听力下降的感音神经性耳聋,临床上对突聋的治疗主要使用扩张内耳血管药物以改善内耳微循环为主,但单一用药疗效相对较差。为探索临床上治疗突聋疗效好、不良反应小的用药方案,采用葛根素和丹参联合用药治疗突聋,并与单用丹参治疗突聋作对照。
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Coastal pollution assessment is a pressing matter as the anthropogenic pressure continues to increase worldwide. A leading approach to assess coastal pollution
A survey for Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) and White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) was performed during two catching seasons of n
The study focused on heavy metal concentration in sea water, sea sediment and their toxic effect on sea shells, and on oyster along the east coast of the Bay of
一、图书馆 1986年底我到温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学音乐学院教学.头一天报到,阿伦主任便领我去该校的总图书馆领取一张图书证.当时我有点奇怪,这图书证值得这样重视,非得去先领