省人大常委会党组召开扩大会议 传达学习全省进一步规范领导干部配偶子女经商办企业行为工作会议精神

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本刊讯5月17日,省人大常委会党组召开扩大会议,传达全省进一步规范领导干部配偶、子女及其配偶经商办企业行为工作会议精神,研究贯彻落实意见。省人大常委会党组书记、主任黄龙云作讲话。省人大常委会党组成员、副主任刘悦伦传达胡春华书记重要讲话和省委会议精神。黄龙云指出,《关于进一步规范广东省领导干部配偶、子女及其配偶经商 On May 17, the Standing Committee of Provincial People’s Congress held an enlarged meeting to convey the spirit of the province’s work conference on further regulating the conduct of business activities of spouses and children of leading cadres and their spouses, and to study and implement their opinions. Provincial People’s Congress party secretary, director Huang Longyun made a speech. Liu Yuelun, member of the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee member and deputy director, conveyed Hu Chunhua’s important speech and the spirit of the provincial party committee. Huang Longyun pointed out: "On further regulating the spouses and children of leading cadres in Guangdong Province and their spouses
我们可以说达维登科就此逃出了生天,但不一定洗刷了人们对他所有的疑问。9月中旬ATP终于结束了对达维登科一年的漫长调查, We can say that Davydenko escaped from this li
PeinesdecoeurAvoirsoufertd’unedépresionprofondemultiplieraitparquatrelerisquedesubiruneataquecardiaque.C’estlerésultatd’uneé... PeinesdecoeurAvoirsoufertd’unedépresionprofondemultiplieraitparqua  trelerisquedesubiruneataquecardiaque. C’estlerésultatd’u
A clear conclusion has been made in this paper that different negatives and the change of the positions of negatives may cause different limits of negation,and