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五间草房院内住着三户人家。院内不大个地方,只有一棵多年的苦丁香树,它可成了宝贝。我记得小时候,常闹眼睛,妈妈也去择过几片苦丁香叶,用井里新打上来的凉水泡了,贴在眼皮上过两天就好了。头痛脑热也用此方法。这院的房东丁家住了两间,另三间对门屋租给了孙、肖两户人家。这三家人倒很和睦,相处得非常之好。房东是教书的,老两口有一个儿子二十四岁在日本留学,两个孪生姑娘,大的叫丁叶,小的叫丁香,都在十七、八岁的年纪,都是哑巴; Five people living in the courtyard of the three grass-roots people. The hospital is not a big place, only a multi-year lilac tree, it can be a baby. I remember when I was a child, I was often troubled by eyes. My mother also had to choose a few slices of bitter clove leaf. I used the new cold water blisters in the well and stuck it on the eyelids for two days. Headache, brain heat also use this method. Ding homes in the hospital’s landlord lived in two, the other three rented the door to Sun, Xiao two people. The three families are very harmonious and get along very well. The landlord is a teacher, a couple of a married couple in Japan to study at the age of 24, two twin girls, big called Ding Ye, small called cloves, are seventeen, eight years of age, are dumb;
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菲尔兹奖是最著名的世界性数学奖,被誉为数学界的“诺贝尔奖”.菲尔兹奖是以已故的加拿大数学家、教育家菲尔兹(John Charles Fields,1863—1932)的姓氏命名的.这一大奖于193