重庆市人民政府 重庆警备区 关于表彰民兵预备役部队基层建设先进单位的通报

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各区县(自治县、市)人民政府、人民武装部,重庆陆军预备役高射炮兵师、预备役后勤保障旅:近年来,全市民兵预备役部队高举邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想伟大旗帜,认真贯彻江泽民同志国防和军队建设思想及胡锦涛主席一系列重要论述精神,坚持以“政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力”的要求为统揽,以《军队基层建设纲要》(中央军委〔2003〕10号)为依据,全面落实《重庆市基层人民武装部和民兵预备役部队基层建设规定》(重庆警备区〔2003〕司务字第23号)和《重庆警备区基层建设三年规划》(重庆警备区〔2003〕政组字第126号),高起点搞建设,高标准打基础,高质量抓落实,基层建设呈现出协调发展、整体推进的良好局面,涌现出了一大批基层建设先进单位。为表彰先进,激励士气,进一步推动各项工作在基层的落实,市人民政府、重庆 In recent years, the militia reserve forces throughout the city held aloft the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and conscientiously implemented the principle of Jiang Zemin, the people’s government of all districts, counties (autonomous counties and cities), the people’s armed forces of the people’s army, The concept of national defense and army building and a series of important expositions by President Hu Jintao insisted on the requirement of “political qualified personnel with excellent military conditions, excellent work style, strict discipline and strong support”, the “Outline for Army Grassroots Construction” (Central Military Commission [ 2003] No. 10) as the basis for the full implementation of “Grassroots People’s Armed Forces of Chongqing Municipality and militia and reserve forces grassroots construction regulations” (Chongqing Garrison District [2003] Secretary No. 23) and “Chongqing garrison grassroots three-year plan” (Chongqing Garrison District [2003] Political Bureau word No. 126), a high starting point to engage in construction, laying a good foundation for high standards, implementation of high quality, grass-roots construction showed a coordinated development, the overall situation of good progress, emerged a large number of grassroots construction Advanced unit. In recognition of advanced and motivational morale, to further promote the implementation of various tasks at the grassroots level, the Municipal People’s Government, Chongqing
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