
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengli1011
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军队医院作为后勤力量的重要组成部分,在抢险救灾、突发公共卫生事件、医学救援、国际维和等多样化军事行动后勤保障中发挥着不可替代的作用。只有深入分析军队医院应急力量建设特点规律,做好应对多样化军事任务卫勤保障的各种准备,提高应对多样化军事任务卫勤保障的能力素质,探索应对多样化军事行动卫勤保障的方法,才能确保一声令下“拉得出、跟得上、展得开、救得下”。本文对军队医院应对多样化军事任务卫勤保障进行了初步思考,供参考。 Military hospitals, as an important part of their logistic forces, play an irreplaceable role in the logistical support for various military operations such as disaster relief, public health emergencies, medical rescue and international peacekeeping. Only by thoroughly analyzing the characteristics and rules of the emergency forces construction in the military hospitals, doing a good job in coping with the various preparations for the military service in diversified military missions, improving the ability and ability to meet the medical service support for diversified military tasks, and exploring ways to deal with the medical service support for diversified military operations , To ensure that the order “pull out, keep up, show open, save the next.” In this paper, the military hospital to deal with diversified military mission medical support for the initial consideration for reference.