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一位作家,作品站住了,而且,还要站久了,才是正理。一时间站住,长期间的站不住,作不得数;长时间的站住了,而不是永远的站住,也作不得数。别说人心中的文学史,有淘汰率,书架上的文学史,也不等于阿猫阿狗都可以埋葬进去的文学公墓,也是要经常精兵减政,经常裁员缩编的。只有经得住时光的筛选,历久弥新,耐得住岁月的淬炼,永葆生机,这样的作品,才是文学瑰宝。那些为皇上所恩准,为衙门所册封,为市场所决定,为书商所追捧的文学,保鲜期很短,有效期有限,一时间内,经滚雪球式的炒作,上百万印数,上百万收入,上百人鼓吹呐喊,上百次提篮叫卖,看起来挺能唬那些冤大头的。但雪球这东西,虽能滚得很大,但接连几个晴天晒下来,就是一摊黑水加上一堆烂泥,别说新鞋不踩臭狗屎,就是旧鞋也避之惟恐不及的。 A writer, work stopped, and, but also stand a long time, just is right. Stop for a time, can not stand for a long time, can not make a few; a long time stopped, instead of standing forever, but also for a few. Not to mention the literary history in the mind, there are the elimination rate, the history of literature on the shelves, is not equal to the cats and dogs can be buried into the literary cemetery, but also often to work hard to reduce the government, often downsizing. Only through time screening, timeless, enduring years of quenching, and maintain vitality, such works, is the literary treasure. Those for the emperor’s approval, for the yamen book, for the market, the literature sought after by booksellers, preservation period is very short, limited period of time, a time, the snowballing speculation, millions of copies, on Millions of dollars in revenue, hundreds of people advocating shout, hundreds of basket sales, it seems quite able to fool those who take advantage of. But snowball this thing, although can roll a very big, but after a few sunny days drying down, is a share of black water with a pile of mud, not to mention new shoes do not stink shit, is the old shoes also avoid fear of.
一元二次方程根的判别式在解答数学题中有着广泛的应用.学生由于概念不清,思考不周全,常常出现以下几方面的错误:一、运用“Δ”时,疏忽化方程为一般式 The discriminant o
形如“a/b=c~2/d~2”的题目,是较复杂的线段成比例的问题,由于求证式两边不是同次幂的比,证明较困难.这里举例说明几种思考方法,以供参考. 一、用线段的积代换c~2或d~2,使问
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在题设不变的情况下,提出尽可能多的问题.这样做可以产生触类旁通的学习效果.现以初中几何课本(义务教育教材)第二册第91页例3为例,提几个问题. In the case of no change