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本文简要介绍了文献报道的在海拔2500 m以上,居住数千年的藏族和新移居者(游客或访问者)肺部NO气体及液相NO水平。在急性暴露于高海拔24~48 h、数天至数星期的时间,正常访问者肺、血浆、红细胞中NO水平在2 h内降低,但是48 h后恢复或略高于平原正常值,5 d后高于平原水平。而患高海拔肺水肿者的NO低于正常对照组。高海拔人群藏族的肺、血浆、红细胞中NO高于其他人群(高海拔或低海拔人群)2倍甚至更多,红细胞中NO甚至高达200倍。其他高海拔人群NO升高但没达到藏族的程度。总之,人群对高原的适应是同一趋势,只是藏族程度更高。目前缺乏低海拔人群长期居住于高原和藏族人居住于低海拔的数据,导致高海拔地区访客和藏族人的NO及NO相关分子水平升高的机制目前尚不清楚。有限的数据建议涉及到低氧诱导的NO合酶(NOS)基因表达上调、血红蛋白(Hb)-NO合成和遗传变异。进一步的理解需要结合适当的方法和对低氧适应标志物的测试技术。 This article gives a brief account of NO and NO levels in the lungs of Tibetans and new settlers (tourists or visitors) at altitudes of 2500 m above sea level and for thousands of years. In acute exposure to high altitude 24-48 h, several days to several weeks, NO levels of lung, plasma and erythrocyte in normal subjects decreased within 2 h, but recovered or slightly higher than normal in plain after 48 h. 5 d higher than the level of plain. While those with high altitude pulmonary edema were lower than normal control group. High altitude population of Tibetan lung, plasma, erythrocyte NO higher than other populations (high altitude or low altitude population) 2 times or more, red blood cells even up to 200 times the NO. Other high-altitude population NO increased but did not reach the Tibetan level. In short, the population’s adaptation to the plateau is the same trend, only the Tibetans are even more highly-educated. At present, the lack of data on the long-term living in plateau and Tibetans living at low altitude in low-altitude groups and the mechanism of elevated NO and NO-related molecular levels among visitors and Tibetans in high-altitude areas are not yet clear. Limited data suggest implications for hypoxia-induced up-regulation of NO synthase (NOS) gene expression, hemoglobin (Hb) -NO synthesis, and genetic variation. A further understanding needs to be made in conjunction with appropriate methods and testing techniques for adapting the markers to hypoxia.
西宁市基本公共服务均等化配置的有效性评价通过构建西宁市基本公共服务均等化评价指标体系和利用Arc GIS软件空间覆盖水平方法,测度了2015年西宁市城区在基础教育、医疗卫生